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Research Opportunities in our Group

There are 2 open PhD positions in our group. The potential candidate will work on either of the following topics. 


1) Colloidal nanocomposites: We propose a study on the structure, dynamics, rheology and stability of mixtures of charge-stabilized colloidal systems. The idea is to engineer materials of exceptional rigidity. The project will involve rheology and structural studies using scattering and absorption of light and ultrasound, cryogenic scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). 


2) Flow of colloidal clays: We propose to look at several issues surrounding the flow of colloidal clays with a special emphasis on the flow of aging colloidal materials: we will understand our results in terms of the resultant microstructural changes We will investigate the rheology of aging materials when their surface charges are screened by externally added salt. Finally, we will investigate the rheological chaos in strongly sheared suspensions. We will also look at the flow and deformation properties of organo-clays.


There is an open project position in our laboratory for a period of upto 2 years to work on the exfoliation of colloidal clay in aqueous suspensions. Please look at for details. There are no short-term research vacancies at this time.


There could be also be a possibility of obtaining a postdoctoral position or visiting studentship in our group. Please write in with a detailed currculum vita and 2 reference letters if you are interested.


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